Hi, I'm Cher 👋

I'm data-driven Product Designer with a background in UX, Business and Cognitive Systems.

Here Are Some Of My Recent Projects

FreshFind Redesign

UX Design and Product Consultant- Internship

Improved B2B onboarding process, redesigned vendor dashboard, provided feedback for other designers, and created interviewer guide.


UX Design - Personal Project

Designed a smart grocery shopping app for students.


Project Management, C#, Machine Learning - Robot Tournament

Led a development team to train and implement a ball-collecting robot built in Unity using C#, Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL) and Behavioural Cloning.

Purple Lotus

Product Management, UX Design - Innovation Accelator Project

Developed a personalized mental health platform for students.

Want to Work Together?

Feel free to send me a message! ❤️